
Changing ourselves

1.01 ^ 365 ≈ 37

If you ran just 1% faster each day for a year, you could run 37 times
faster. (100 mph!!!)

If you typed just 1% faster each day for a year, could type 37 times
faster. (1500 wpm!!!)

Of course this can't be done.
As a rule things inside yourself cannot be changed exponentially
without diminishing returns. That implies unlimited growth or decay.

A better model for internal change is:
exponential vs logistic growth

External things can, like money or followers. They have ceilings
too, just very high ones.

This is probably one reason income inequality can be drastic.
There is a lot of matter internal (and external) to the system
that it wants to control. Once a good 'manager' of the stuff has
been found, the system keeps giving more to the manager.